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Fundraising Strategy Development

"Fail to plan = plan to fail". This applies especially to fundraising, where the sustainability of an organisation depends not on short term actions, but on a planned and sustained effort to maximise funding opportunities over time.

This is all the more true in today's competitive environment and economic conditions. While there will always be pressure on organisations to fundraise today, it is essential also to maintain activities that raise funds in the medium and longer term. How this will be achieved should be laid out in an agreed fundraising strategy, which sets achievable objectives and identifies future sources of funds, as well as how these funds will be raised, what resources will be needed to do so (in terms of people, information and budgets) and how progress will be monitored.

In larger organisations, the fundraising strategy will, of course, be lengthier and more detailed, but in essence, it serves the same purpose of setting out an agreed path to follow, identifying the resources to deliver it and enabling the organisation to measure progress against objectives.

The content of the fundraising strategy will vary considerably between organisations and, for example, depending on whether you are planning to raise revenue or a major capital sum. However, the principals are the same and even a basic fundraising strategy is better than none at all.

A key issue to consider when developing your fundraising strategy is the mix of your fundraising portfolio and the extent to which it is diversified. This can be a challenge for some organisations and, because a fully diversified funding mix can take time to create, it should not be left until the charity faces a funding crisis but should be part of long-term planning.

At the core of the fundraising strategy is the development of the case for support, which underpins all your fundraising. Getting this right is key to success in all areas of your fundraising.

The strategy should take account of the range of funding streams open to your charity, seek to prioritise them for allocation of resources and set objectives for them. It also requires a realistic budget and people plan, to ensure you have the investment and skills needed to deliver it.

In recent years, we have worked with many charities to help them develop their fundraising strategies. It is a sound investment of time and resource.

If you need support or advice to plan your fundraising strategy, please call us today for a free initial discussion on 01903 723519.

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